A Comedy by Mary Chase
When Elwood P. Dowd, a good-natured, mild-mannered eccentric, starts to introduce his imaginary friend, Harvey, a six-and-a-half-foot rabbit, to guests at a society party, his sister, Veta, has seen as much of his eccentric behaviour as she can tolerate. She decides to have him committed to a sanitarium to spare her daughter, Myrtle Mae, and their family from future embarrassment. Problems arise; however, when the doctors commit Veta instead of Elwood, but when the truth comes out, the search is on for Elwood and his invisible companion.
Myrtle Mae Simmons: (F) age 20-30 Daughter of Veta, plain, nervous, waiting to get married.
Veta Louise Simmons: (F) age 40-60 Pleasant, middle aged.
Elwood P. Dowd: (M) age 30-40 Generous, polite, old-fashioned gentleman, charming.
Miss Johnson: (F) age unspecified. Maid at the Dowd’s home.
Mrs. Ethel Chauvenet: (F) age 60-70 Dignified local socialite and old friend of the family.
Ruth Kelly, R.N.: (F) age 20-30 Nurse in Dr. Chumley’s office, romantically interested in Dr. Sanderson.
Duane Wilson: (M) age 30-40 Works for Dr. Chumely, burly, flirtatious.
Lyman Sanderson, M.D.: (M) age 20-30 Works for Dr. Chumley, very attractive, intelligent.
William R. Chumley, M.D.: (M) age 40-60 Famous doctor, overly-confident in his abilities.
Betty Chumley: (F) age 40-60 Wife of Dr. Chumley, sweet old lady, charmed by Elwood.
Judge Omar Gaffney: (M) age 40-60 Old judge, scholarly, close family friend of Elwood and Veta.
E.J. Lofgren: (M) age 30-60 Simple taxi driver.
Performances at the Pumphouse Theatre (Joyce Doolittle Theatre)
Directions to the Pumphouse
Ticket Information
Production Crew
Stage Manager
Asst Stage Manager
Costume Design
Hair Design
Lighting Design
Lighting Operators
Front of House Managers
Lynda & Tim Elliott
Richard Michelle-Pentelbury
Caren Johnson
Cameron Lugg
Faith Marie Casement
Cat Bentley
Margaret Harper
Paul Hilton
Beth Balshaw, and
Cameron Ross
Karen Renzoni,
Kevin Johnson, and
Gwyn Auger
Elwood P Dowd
Veta Louise Simmons
Myrtle Mae Simmons
Mrs Ethel Chauvenet
Ruth Kelly, R.N.
Duane Wilson
Lyman Sanderson, M.D.
William R Chumley, M.D.
Betty Chumley
Judge Omar Gaffney
E J Lofgren
Miss Molly Johnson
Mike Johnson
Elizabeth Greenwood
Lisa Murray
Sandy Lucas
Brittany Richards
Steve Nagy
Tom Currie
Scottie Grinton
Pat Baceda
Allen Crowley
Tim Elliott
Taylor Thompson